UDOS – Movies
Home #
- Starred: Movies or videos starred;
- Recently added: Movies or videos were added most recently;
- Downloaded: Downloaded movies or videos;
- Add: Select source to add new movies or videos;
Library #
- New Category: Create a new category;
- Search: Search for movie or video;
- Filter: Find movies based on different tags;
Shared #
- All the movies / videos you shared (share to you) will be listed here.
Settings #
- Libraries: The folders which the videos are added from;
- Categories: Movie, TV Show, New category;
- Mode: Intelligent mode, Advanced mode;
- Video info plugin: TMDB API Key, Preferred metadata language;
Libraries #
- The source folders which the videos are added from will be shown here;
Categories #
- New category: Create a new category;
- Movie: Viewing sharing settings, enable/ disable auto-crate collections and viewing folders;
- TV Show: Viewing sharing settings, enable/ disable auto-create collections and viewing folders;
Mode #
- Intelligent mode: Setup categories automatically;
- Advanced mode: Customize categories manually;
Video info plugin #
- TMDB API Key: Need apply from TMDB for the API key;
- Preferred metadata language: Select your preferred movie information language;
Updated on December 13, 2024