Enable PlugBackup: Toggle to enable/ disable Plugbackup, also known as one button backup;
Source and Storage Path: Change where the files are backed up from, where the files were store to;
Backup method:
Full backup: A separate folder will be created in the specified directory each time, named with the date + version / card name, such as: 2023121901 / Kingstone. Each backup will be a full disk backup;
Incremental backup: When first switching to incremental backup, a separate folder will be created in the specified directory named with the date and version/card name, e.g., 2023121901/ Kingstone. An initial full backup will be performed to ensure data integrity, followed by incremental backups for subsequent runs.
Eject: Whether to auto-eject after backup;
Backup and clear card: Choose whether to clear the card after backing up;